Client’s home protected from further damage after successful termite inspection and treatment


When it comes to termites, you want to be sure that you're getting the best possible treatment to protect your home. That's why our team at Less Pest More Control is proud to have completed a successful Termite Inspection and treatment for a recent client in Pacific Pines, QLD.

The client had active termites in their double story split level home and was concerned about the potential damage they could cause. After contacting us, we were able to quickly schedule a Visual Termite Inspection and get to work on a treatment plan.

Our team utilised baiting as the primary method of treatment rather than Chemical Treatment, as this is often the most effective way to deal with termites and best chance of erradicating the Termite Colony. We also installed an Exterra Bait and Monitoring System around the property to help prevent any future infestations.

The client was very happy with the results of our work and the peace of mind that came with knowing their home was protected from further damage. If you're concerned about termites in your home or have not had a Termite Inspection in over a year, we encourage you to contact us today for a booking.

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