German Cockroach Pest Control Application

We provide a full range of cockroach treatment services to the Gold Coast. Prevention is better than cure. When you need us, we’re right here.

Effective control of cockroaches involves thorough inspection, reducing sources of food, water and shelter, pesticides or baits, and ongoing maintenance. Several species of cockroach are common in Southeast Queensland that invade our homes. Species identification will help an experienced pest technician decide the best method of control. At LessPest our team members have years of experience and have an excellent understanding of cockroaches and how to treat them. 

  • The German Cockroach, which originally came from Africa. A mature adult is 1.5cm in length and often a light brown colour.
  • The German Cockroach is found throughout the Gold Coast, Tweed and Logan.
  • The German Cockroach is the hardest pest cockroach to gain control of and eliminate. It can be found anywhere in the home but is most common in the kitchen, inside cupboards, drawers and electrical appliances.
  • The German Cockroach eats almost anything but prefers starchy foods like potatoes, rice and cereal.
  • The German Cockroach is also the most sociable of the pest species and is often found in large groups, especially near warm areas like water heaters.

Females carry an egg capsule containing 30 – 40 eggs at the end of their abdomen. When the eggs are close to hatching, the females attach the capsule in a dark corner where the young can emerge safely. One female German Cockroach can lay up to 8 egg cases through her 6-month life span.

When treating German Cockroaches, a thorough inspection is required to ascertain where harbourage areas are. These cockroaches are the hardest to treat because they hide in the smallest cracks, crevices and voids. A combination of chemical and non-chemical is often the only way these pests can be brought under control.

Multiple treatments are recommended as it takes 6 weeks for all egg cases to hatch after the first pest treatment.

Pest Management around your home is a team effort. Here at LessPest we aim for you and your family to have Less Pest’s through More Control. We use high quality products that are environmentally friendly towards your family and pets. We do not over book our technicians on the day, so time can be taken to listen to your pest concerns. The technician then has time to detect where pests maybe habouraging and apply the best application and pest management plan for your home.

Cockroach Pest Control Warranty
Cockroach General Pest Control Warranty (12 months) for internal cockroaches. (excluding German Cockroaches)
Cockroach Pest Control Health

Cockroaches can become prolific breeders if left unchecked. They are carriers of disease such as salmonella and can cause such health issues as gastroenteritis.

Cockroach Pest Control Prevention Tips

Just remember cockroaches think your home is just as cozy as you do. When thinking of keeping cockroaches away, think a minimalistic approach to your home and yard.

  • Avoid too many stored items in boxes around your home,
  • Clear out your pantry frequently,
  •  try to see more not less of your home’s floor,
  • Vacuum regularly,
  • Clean out your kitchen and bathroom cupboards often,
  • Keep bench tops clear of crumbs, food scraps and used dinner crockery.
  • Keep pet food in sealed containers.
  • Wash pet bowls regularly to avoid food build up,
  •  In the yard, keep on top of your pets pooper-scooping! Cockroaches love to eat poo…Disgusting!
  • Clean your drains and dishwasher.


Effective control of cockroaches involves thorough inspection, reducing sources of food, water and shelter, pesticides or baits, and ongoing maintenance. Several species of cockroach are common in Southeast Queensland that invade our homes. Species identification will help an experienced pest technician decide the best method of control. At LessPest our team members have years of experience and have a very good understanding of cockroaches and how to treat them. 

We use internal and external liquid spray and gel baits.

Pest Management around your home is a team effort. Here at LessPest we aim for you and your family to have Less Pest’s through More Control. We use high quality products that are environmentally friendly towards your family and pets. We do not over book our technicians on the day, so time can be taken to listen to your pest concerns. The technician then has time to detect where pests maybe habouraging and apply the best application and pest management plan for your home.



Please note:
1. We advise leaving the home for 3-4 hours or booking service when children are in daycare or at school.
2. All pets and children must be kept away from wet areas until dry.
3. Children, pregnant women, asthmatics and anyone with a compromised immune system, should not re-enter until the treatment is completely dry.
4. Pest Control to be booked when no other service providers are onsite such as: house cleaner, painter, carpet cleaner etc

We love to kill your pests!

We love our customers but we love to kill your pests even more!
Our products are safe for children, pets, your home and the environment. 
We love our home and our furbaby and what’s good enough for ours is good enough for yours.

Less Pest More Control Gold Coast Team

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